Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's snowing! :)

My Aunt & Uncle's backyard :) 

There are some beautiful things happening outside the window. There are a ton of fluffy white flakes falling from the sky. :) These beautiful flakes are blanketing the ground and dressing the trees. It is a beautiful winter wonderland! :)

Today I am very thankful for family. I have gotten to spend time with my Aunt Susan today and I really enjoyed that! :) We got coffee and then hung out at her house.

Once again if you have any prayer requests comment below and I will pray for you!

With love,
Emily :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Hello there,
With Thanksgiving coming up and all the talk of being thankful I decided to start a blog to share, each day, what I am thankful for. I also want to share what God is doing in my life and the awesome opportunities he's presenting me. More reasons to be thankful!

If you have something you need prayer for I would LOVE to pray for you. Just comment below and I will pray for you!

"Our thankfulness doesn't depend on our circumstances, our thankfulness depends on how GREAT our God is!" -Pastor Ross

Do you thank God because your circumstances are good? Or because your God is good?

With love,